Bingo Battle? Update - 7/28/24
I was going to work on Bingo Battle the past week and a half, but there was a significant update added to UEFN.
Fall Guys has collaborated with Fortnite to bring in their assets for creators (such as myself) to use. I had to jump on that train. I am able to publish a Fall Guys map on August 6th so I'm trying to speedrun making this map by then. The map I chose is just a simple temple level concept. You enter a sky temple filled with traps and parkour. It's different from the usual Fall Guys style but I think that it would be interesting and would stand out.
I tried to make the level interesting so there is replayability. I'm thinking maybe to add secrets for bonus XP. Also I would test out the Fall Guy's physics and assets in new and interesting ways.
However this new Fall Guys thing does have limitations. Channels, Triggers, and a lot of devices are missing in Fall Guys X UEFN. So no Fall Guys Gun Games. It's purely parkour for now. I hope this changes in the future so I can make cool game modes.
I was still working on Bingo Battle this time period. I am working on replacing the graybox with Fortnite's assets. It's a lengthy process considering I have over 1000 pieces to replace manually. This shows the immense scale I am doing for this project. It's my baby.
I don't know when the basic layout will be done, but I know i can start putting in props when I get bored of placing down tiles. I still need to create more signs for stores and ultimately place down bingo objectives. I have a long way to go, and this project will hopefully be done by October or November at the latest. (My schedule has been all over the place.)