Gravity Rush
During my time at the University of Utah, I was tasked to design and make games and game prototypes. This game is a simple one. Gravity Rush is a concept game where you just change gravity. It uses momentum from gravity switching to propel yourself through obstacles. The first prototype linked here. shows the first parts of a 2D level. it is kind of difficult to make a good 2D game within Unreal, a 3D engine, but it is possible. I was told to only use basic shapes and lighting. Text was used sparingly to show controls in an easy to follow environment. The black background is used to contrast the yet-to-be textured walls.
Towards the end of the class I created something actually resembling a game. Gravity Rush can be seen here. Although it does exist, I haven't gotten around to making an page yet. I hope once I finish making Fall Tower, I will be able to work on non-Fortnite related games.